Greek Translations
Translate from/to Greek now!
Featuring cutting-edge technology and highly-skilled staff, Intertranslations can offer you the most efficient, inexpensive and effective solution for your Greek translation. We provide cost-efficient results, in quick response to the market’s needs. We have a network of more than 2,000 translators, with different fields of expertise. This network includes technical translators, terminology specialists and localisation experts, among others.
Intertranslations boasts experts and the technical know-how to deliver the results expected by our clients.
Our vast experience has helped us find the right combination of technologies to deliver the necessary results. We deliver accurate, quality translations, by integrating our clients’ corporate glossaries and termbases.
To provide quality translation services in Greek, Intertranslations has invested in Terminology Database Management Systems.
We can work with several file formats, without any limitations, and always offer alternative solutions to our clients.