White Paper – Translating Public Tender Documents Quickly – Maria Tsakoumagou

Translation of Public Tender Documents

Intertranslations white papers

Translating public tender documents quickly

Discover the methodology and translation solutions that help you save time and money. Decide early if you will participate in a public tender and prepare a complete financial and technical proposal.

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Translating public tender documents quickly
Tender Documents

Why should I download this white paper?

Gain the time advantage

The strict deadlines for submitting bids for public tenders require exceptional speed and organization. We implement a reliable method to reduce translation delivery time by 76%. Thanks to our immediate translation service, you can decide in time whether to submit a bid and prepare your financial and technical proposal within the deadline.

We make sure time works in your favor!

Ensure high quality translation of your bid

The selection of the contractor in a public tender is often determined by attention to detail. The quality of documents submitted for evaluation is crucial for the success of a bid. A perfectly translated technical and financial proposal that uses appropriate terminology and style matching the original has significantly higher chances of standing out.

Gain a competitive advantage in public tenders!

Significantly reduce translation costs

Public tender documents are usually lengthy and demanding in terms of their content and format. Their translation can prove particularly time-consuming, which increases translation costs. Discover how we are able to deliver quality translations quickly, with significant financial benefits for the client.

Save money without sacrificing quality!

What is inside the White Paper?


Get fully informed about all issues related to company participation in public tenders. Especially for companies where Greek is not the primary working language, there are additional challenges to face, requiring excellent organization and collaboration with the translation company in order to submit a bid on time.


Learn about our recommended translation solutions, which are based on our many years of experience and expertise in the field of public tenders. Our translation proposals are specifically designed for the requirements of public tenders, aiming to provide translations with immediacy and accuracy.


See representative examples to easily and quickly assess the processing time of translation procedures. You will also find a comparative timeline of two translation method scenarios to get an even clearer picture.

About the Author

Maria Tsakoumagou

Account Manager



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